Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 13)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 13)
British Rule Over Palestine 104
Primitive Accumulation and the
Expropriation of the Direct Producers 108
Case One:The Marj 110
Case Two: Fraud and the Village
of Zeita 121
Case Three:Wadi al-Hawareth 123
Taxing the Rural Population 126
Methods of Tax Collection 132
Rural Palestine: Socio-Economic Changes 140
Footnotes 151
Chapter Four
Rural Class Formation in Palestine 159-207
Classes in Rural Palestine 160
The Controversy Surrounding the Size of
Agricultural Land 164
Dirferentiation Within the Fallaheen 170
Capitalist Agriculture and Further
Class Polarization 175
Economic Competition 176
Zionist Capitalism Boycotts Indigenous
Arab Products 190
Footnotes 204
Chapter Five
Capitalist Agriculture and
Zionist Colonization 208-259
Capitalist Investment in Agriculture 210
Government Role in Advancing Agriculture 214
Wage Labour in Agriculture 223
Zionism and "“Workers'Co-Operatives" 228
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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