Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 17)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 17)
Some Methodological Considerations
Data used in this study have been compiled through a combination of
a number of sociological methods. A large part of the data was drawn
by historical research of archival material. The following is a list
of the major documents consulted:
1) British government reports. Three reports were particularly
Significant herxe; one, Palestine: Report on Immigration, Land
Settlement and Development, by John Hope Simpson ( Cmd. 3686, 1930);
two, The Royal Commission Report, 1937; and three, Report of a
Committee on the Economic Conditiens of Agriculturists in Palestine
and Fiscal Measures of Government Thereto, by Johnson and Crosbie,
1930. (Thereafter, “Johnson-Crosbie's Report").
2) Correspondence between the Administration of Palestine, the
Colonial and the Foreign Offices in London.
3) Petitions and peasant complaints found particularly in the Foreign
Office files.
4) Documents on ‘land sale’ obtained from the archival library at Beit
Shturman (Israel).
5) Palestinian Archives kept at the Arab Studies Institute in
Additional historical data, in the form of rare manuscripts, were
alsuvu obtained from the private libraries of A. Taha (the West Bank)
and B. Sabah (Israel).
Non-historical data were also gathered. During my stay in Israel
and the West Bank I interviewed a number of people, including, ex-
landowners, Lawyers specialized in land cases and elderly Palestinian
peasants. The technique of ‘family live history' was used with
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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