Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 21)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 21)
and eventual ramifications are also analysed here. Of particular
importance here is the direct and indirect social and economic impact
of the Zionist policy of boycotting indigenous Arab labour. The
political/ideolegical implications of the Zionist policy of the
European (Jewish) dominant class is briefly dealt with here = and
discussed in greater lengths in Chapters Five and Six.
The development of capitalism in Palestine was mediated not only by
British colonialism, but by a specific form of settler movement as
well. The influx of European Jewish capital and human resources into
Palestine had overwhelming impact on the country's transformation
processes. As Chapter Five points out, capitalist production which was
pre-dominant in almost all forms of agrarian organizations within the
European Jewish economy was placing further strains on an aiready
ruined rural economy. Emphasis inthis respect is placed on the
revolutionary impact of the agricultural production techniques in
transforming the rural economy.
A major characteristic feature of capitalist development within the
European Jewish economy has been the overwhelming import placed by the
Gominant Zionist ideology on the political/national implications of
Jewish settlement in Palestine. The strategic objective of
establishing a Jewish state was translated by the Zionist hegemonic
group in Palestine into political actions which, in many instances,
overshadowed and superseded all other consideration. This was
manifested in the policies that were implemented for appropriating the
land and expanding the "“Kibbutz"-type settlements. A detailed
examination of these policies becomes crucial for clarifying a major
feature which characterizes, and, ina sense, differentiates’ the
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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