Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 28)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 28)
",..-absence of private property in land...," the character of the
"Asiatic state," and the "self -sufficiency of the village commune."
Marx considers the absence of private property in Asiatic societies as
the "...real key to the Oriental heaven..." (Marx and Engels,1972:99).
"In the Asiatic form (or at least predominantly so,)" Marx stutes:
",..[Tlhere is no property, but only individual possession;the
community is, preperly speaking, the real proprietor-hence property
only as communal property in land..." (Marx, in Hobsbawm,(ed.)1965:
In a special reference to the Ottoman Empire, Marx attributes’ the
absence of private property to religion, stating that: "The
Muhammedans..[{were] the first to establish the principle of ‘no
private property in land' throughout the whole of Asia..." (Marx,S.C.
(n.d):80). This claim will not be dealt with in this study. The
reader, however, is advised to consult Maxime Rodinson's extensive
study, Islam and Capitalism, which is based on examining the Koran
and the "Hadith" and which concluded that "...far from discouraging
economic involvement, Islam provides an explicit legitimation of trade
and commerce." “Economic activity, the search for profit, trade, and
consequently, production for the market," Rodinscn demonstrated, "are
looked upon with no less favour by Moslem tradition than by the Koran
itself. We even find eulogistic formulations about merchants..."
(cited in Turner,1984:57). Also worth consulting here is Sulaiman
Bshir's study which dismissed the notion that Islam was a proponent of
communalism, and suggested that the Islamic state itself emerged in
the class struggle between the nomads and the mercantile class’ to
secure the interests of the latter (Bshir, 1978).
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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