Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 33)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 33)
arrangement, which was mistakenly generalized over all of Palestine's
agrarian economy, was held responsible for the static
quality of
Palestinian history. It is believed (Gozansky,1986;Flapan,1979} that
this system put the village/commune interest over
individual, thus hindering any attempt at improving
productivity. This system, it is further argued, "“.
that of the
.-failed to
encourage private property and deprived individual peasants from any
incentive to improve thelr productivity..." (Warriner,
Gozansky,1986) (2).
It is argued that throughout the Ottoman rule, Palestinian peasants
were stagnant, unable to ",..change or improve their forces of
production..." (Gozansky,1986:16). A major reason given to explain
this stagnation was the so-called "...freedom of the Asiatic
peasants." “Unlike peasants in Europe...", Gozansky writes, "...those
under the Ottoman rulie were dependent, but most importantly free..."
(1986:14-15 Cemphasis added]). They were dependent on
the state
because they did not own land; yet, they were "free,* unfettered by
any bonds, either to the land which, they never owned,
nor to the
feudal or land lord who never existed separately from the state. "The
Fallaheen" she writes, "could always leave their village and move to
another one ie€&, for any reason conditions did not
suit them"
(Gozansky,1986:17). The "freedom of the Palestinian peasant" occupied
a central position in Gozansky's approach. In contrasting the
Palestinian peasant with the European one she wrote: "Unlike the free
peasant in Oriental Europe, if the peasant escaped, the
feudal lord could bring him back by force, punish him and enslave him
again." (Gozansky,1986:18)
Within the context of the Asiatic Mode of Production model,
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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