Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 35)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 35)
and ahistorical elements -or as some call it the "dead" aspects of it
{Godelier,1978; Saed, 1981; 1978]- while still making use of other
components of it in their studies. Two elements of the AMP model in
particular, namely, the concept of “despotisim" and the "...image of
Asia stagnating from millennia..." were dismissed as ideological and
non-scientific (Godelier, 1978: 214; Saed,1978: 236). It must be
added that these concepts demonstrate the Hegelian elements in Marx's
writings. Attention should be called to Hegel's characterization of
the “Hindoos" as those who "...have no history, no growth..." etc.,
(Hegel, 1956: 142, 154, 163) which later was echoed in Marx's
statement: "Indian society has no history, at least no known
history..." (Marx and Engels,1972).
Most opponents of the AMP reject the notion's lack of empirical
validity with regard to two fundamental components: the alleged
absence of private ownership of land and the alleged homogeneity of
the peasantry (Singh,1985; Patnaik,1983; Barakat,1977; Habib, 1985;
Chandra,1981; Saleh,1979). These studies emphasize the presence and
exploitative role of independent classes of landowners. Scholars
generally agree that Marx's information on Mughal India and the
Ottoman state was based on secondary and unreliable sources. On this
point, one scholar observed: "Marx and Engels neither studied Asian
societies for their own sake- that is, as a specific historical or
theoretical project- nor had adequate knowledge regarding them."
There is ample evidence to suggest that ‘Asiatic' societies were
not static. Various studies have demonstrated that there were changes
from communal to individual agriculture, as well as growth in the
landowning class's claims for separate rents, under both the Ottoman
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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