Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 37)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 37)
social, economic and political structure of the Ottoman state. Late
nineteenth century Palestine increasingly felt the presence of
independent landed propertied classes not only from the urban areas,
but also from within the rural structure.
Before discussing the issue of land ownership it must be stressed
that there is very little, if any, basis to the assertion that "...the
Arab Fallah, unlike the feudal peasant, was not attached to the land
he held as a member of the commune, and therefore... he could freely
leave the land...without a landlord forcing him to go back..." (Saed,
1985;Gozansky,1986:18). This statement is historically inaccurate in
so far as the Palestinian case is concerned.
Arab peasants or Fallaheen, not unlike their counterparts in most
other Third World societies, were not free. Arab Marxists generally
agree that while the East might not have known the "...slave mode of
production...," it was not free of slaves and enslavement (al-
Attar,1965; Saleh, 1979; Barakat, 1977; Abdel-Fadil,1988).
In the East, slaves were used for various forms of labour,
including domestic work, military service and productive labour. In
Southern Irag and some areas of the Maghreb "...slaves were often used
in the production process..." (Abdel-Fadil,1988:52). Moreover,
peasants in general, whether in the East or in the West, were never
economically free. A relationship of economic bondage has always been
present in the shape of the rent extracted from them, in kind, tin
labour, in cash, or in a combination of these.
Moreover, economic bondage in most Third World social formations
was alsc accompanied by social, political and personal bondage to the
overlord, whether the latter took the form of the Indian "Zamindar,"
the Egyptian "Mugata'aji," the Syrian "Multazim" or the Palestinian
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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