Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 42)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 42)
precondition for capitalist transition (Rey,1982:pp. 49-58).
In another article (1980), Rey, en passant, refers to
formations in Africa as "traditional" and "lineage," stating that
",..despite a long history of exchange with capitalism, these social
formations ramained basically unchanged..." (Rey, 1980:150).
wrote, in order to change these societies:
It was necessary to intoduce a rupture so that
the capitalist mode of production could develop
alongside the lineage mode of production and
against it. This rupture turns out to be an
independent mode of production which was neither
capitalism nor the lineage mode of production; this
mode of production remains dominant so long as the
conditions of the normal development of capitalism
are not fulfilled. (Rey,1980:157)
The "...conditions of the normal development of capitalism..."
not fulfilled in non-feudal, pre-capitalist modes of production,
elaborates, because of "the restricted mode of production"
characteristic of their social formations (Wolpe,1980:34).
writes, unlike the "expanded mode of production" --which consists of
"...-relations of preduction, forces of production and the
motion..." -- non-feudai, re-capitalist economies are characterized
by a "restricted mode cf production" which consists of
relations of production, undeveloped means of production
importantly, lacks the law of motion (Wolpe,1980:34). In "restricted
modes of production," the peasantry is described as pockets
",..isolated and individual enterprises..." (Wolpe,1980:36)
which, in order to break their isolation and local seclusion,
outside force must be brought. Wolpe's concept of "restricted mode of
production" will be dealt with further in this chapter.
It is true that, unlike the "AMP", the notion of articulation lacks
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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