Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 43)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 43)
an adequate description of pre-capitalist formations; nonetheless
there is one basic theme which unites both concepts, namely, their
equation of late nineteenth pre-capitalism, whether in Africa or in
Asia, with "pure," "natural" (Saed,1985; Gozansky,1986),
"traditional" (Rey,1982;1980) or “purely redistributive" (Wolpe,1980)
economies. The concept of a natural economy, normally
used to
characterize Third World peasant societies, must be differentiated
from the notion of a "pure" non-capitalist economy. A "pure" pre-
capitalist economy has long ago ceased to exist (Lenin,1960;
Saleh,1979; Bagchi, 1982). This economy which denotes a complete
bondage between the direct producer and the land, on the one
hand, and
between him and his overlord on the other, is characterized by the
total stagnation of its social and technical forces. Writing on this
point, Bagchi observes that after the development of capitalism in
Europe, most Third World "pure," "tribal" or "communal" organizations
have, in some form or other, aiready been penetrated by some kind of
commodity or money economy (Bagchi,1982:8). Referring to one of the
least developed provinces in India, prior to British colonization,
Bagchi observes:
The village communities...were not by any means
self sufficient. They were involved in various
cash transactions in buying salt, handicraft
products, etc., from the outside world, and
selling their grain and other crops which could be
marketed outside the village or group of
villages concerned. (Bagchi,1982;11)
Lumping together all African or Asian social formations as
"lineage" or “natural" is ahistorical. In fact it is this
and static approach to pre-capitalist formations which has formed the
basis for citicism of the articulationist approach to pre-capitalist
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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