Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 45)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 45)
capitalist and pre-capitalist features (Rey,1982:157; Wolpe,1980).
However, it is not the simultaneous presence of two or more modes of
production, but rather the actual relationship between them, which
distinguishes this neo-marxist approach from the accepted Marxist
approach to capitalist transition. Capitalism, Marxists agree, isa
process of transition which does not emerge at once, nor does it
replace the old pre-capitalist systems immediately (Lenin, 1960:232;
Saleh, 1979).
What is, however, specific to the notion of articulation is the
kind of relationship it attributes to the combination of the two modes
of production. It is this relationship of opposition and co-existence,
referred to as "destruction/maintenance" (Rey,1982) or "domination-
preservation" (Wolpe,1980), which, it will be argued, is what
differentiates this neo-marxist approach from the Marxist approach of
historical and dialectical materialism. Capitalism, articulationists
maintain, "...can never eliminate the preceding modes of production,
nor can it change the relations of pre-capitalist exploitation, during
an entire period, capitalism must reinforce precapitalist relations of
exploitation..." (Rey, 1982:xXI).
In Third World countries, the "transitional mode" does not operate
as a stage or as a phase in the process of capitalism, but, instead,
the tendency is for it to acquire a permanent self-perpetuating
character. Under colonialism, Rey maintains, "...capitalism dominates
pre-capitalist modes of production..." but fails to "...absolutely
penetrate the production of foodstuffs..." (Rey, 1982:52)
Capitalism, in other words, is only partially established in Third
World countries. In the articulationist perspective, transition is the
"ultimate result" and not just a phase in the process. Throughout the
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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