Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 46)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 46)
process of transition, Rey states, the ‘proletariat will always be
instable, they can always return to the land, the bonds joining city
population with its rural origins are never completely broken.'
(Rey, 1982:52) This statement raises the question of "...wnen, if at
all, does this opposing co-existence come to an end?" (Foster-Carter,
1978; Bradby, 1980) For Rey, pre-capitalist relations of production
are not only maintained but are, in fact, reinforced during the
process of capitalism.
Acknowledging the vagueness inherent in the concept of "destruction
~maintenance," Wolpe (1980) proposes a new way to treat this
relationship. For a more adequate "theory of articulation," he argues,
“it is important to distinguish between the restricted mode of
production which is concerned only with the possible relations between
agents and the means o£ production within individual, isolated
enterprises, and the extended mode of production which through
Circulation, the state and so forth provides the mechanisms required
to change the restricted mode into an expanded one.'(Wolpe,1980: 36)
For Wolpe, the concept of a "restricted mode of production" has
two simultaneous functions: on the one hand, it is synonymous’) with
the notion of a "pre-capitalist formation," and can therefore be
composed of more than one mode or form of production; on the other
hand, it maintains the two major features of a mode of production,
namely, the forces and relations of production. However, by using the
term "restricted mode" Wolpe manages to mellow down the issue of
"destruction/maintenance," since the concept “restricted mode" aisows
for the replacement of the concept of relations of production with
terms like “elements" or “agents" of the economy. The result is that,
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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