Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 49)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 49)
More importantly, with regard to colonial settler forms of fruie,
this framework provides great insights into an area largely ignored or
misunderstood by traditional Marxists, namely, the relationship
between colonial policies, the ideology of the dominant settler class
and the mode of production. The articulation model provides a
comprehensive appreach, tying together ideology, policy and the
colonial state with the predominant mode of production.
In his discussion of the articulation approach Wolpe writes:
(Rlacist ideology and policy and the state..not
only appear as the means for the reproduction of
segregation and racial discrimination generally,
but also as what they really are, the means for the
reproduction of a particular mode of
production. (Wolpe, 1980:293)
Nonetheless, the notion of articulation is subject to various
criticisms, some of which are theoretical in nature and some of which
have historical empirical implications. The major problem posed by the
notion of articulation is its functionalist treatment of the process
of capitalism, particularly with regard to the relationship between
capitalism and migrant labour. This problem, discussed earlier,
pertains to the justification of the persistence of pre-capitalist
relations of production simply because they are economically
functional to capitalism. This functionalist approach, which
basically describes but fails to explain, was in fact admitted and
criticised by articulationists themselves (Wolpe,1980; Burawoy,1976).
Bur2woy criticised ‘Wolpe's functionalist approach for the latter's
failure to specify the institution concerned (i.e., state, or
industrial capitalism)' (Burawoy,1976:1056). For Burawoy, in other
words, the problem was not "functionalism" or the “economic needs" of
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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