Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 50)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 50)
capital, per say, but ratner the question of which party in
particular benefited from this relationship.
Moreover, in his revision of the “theory of articulation," Wolpe
There is no intention here, and it is certainly
not necessary, te suggest that the feudal or other
pre-capitalist enterprises persist because they are
Functional for capital. The persistence must be
analysed as the effect of the struggle of agents
organized under differentiated relations and forces
of production. (Wolpe,13980:40)
However, Wolpe's revision of the theory of articulation was
largely contradicted by the empirical data which was published along
with his theoretical model. It is one thing to suggest that there is
",..-nothing necessarily functional about the persistence of pre-
capitalist relations..." and quite another to be able to work out a
conceptual approach capable of explaining when capitalism might or
might not replace pre-capitalist relations of production. Such an
approach, it is suggested, is possible through a historically based
model which treats the class of migrant labourers as an integral part
of an economy in transition--instead of isolating it and treating it
as an independent economic force.
In the Development of Capitalism in Russia, Lenin has placed
special emphasis on the class of the "allotment-holding-proletariat,"
which he found to be predominant in the class structure of transitory
Russia. Lenin explained the presence of this class by taking into
consideration a variety of conditions; these included the varied forms
and slow pace through which capitalism penetrates into agriculture,
the identification of the groups or class of capitalists in whose
interest the economic value of this class lies, and the demonstration
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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