Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 58)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 58)
",..-were just so many idyllic methods of primitive accumulation..."
(Marx, 1977:685). All these processes, as Chapter Two will
demonstrate, were characteristic of late nineteenth century Palestine.
Authors who dismissed the notion that capitalism developed from
within Palestine's pre-capitalist structure tended to limit their
understanding of late nineteenth century changes to only one factor --
the ownership of land. Gozansky's inconsistent position in this regard
is of special importance. On the one hand, she suggests that these
changes reinforced pre-capitalist relations of production and enhanced
the state's central authority since land was largely concentrated in
the hands of the state, rather than privately owned (Gozansky,
1986:21-23). On the other hand, she agrees with various other authors
who have suggested that the capital invested in this land was not
accumulated internally but came instead from outside the rural area
through urban and foreign capitalists (Gozansky,1986:26; Saed,1985;
Bear,1976). This over-emphasis on the ownership of land (i.e., whether
the land was state land, privately owned by locals, by urbanites or by
foreigrers} was, in fact, one of the major issues in the Marxist
debate which arose during the 1960s in Egypt. During Nasser's
nationalization period, one group of Marxists had strongly defended
Nasser's land reforms, arguing that the nationalization of land was
the basis for socializing the means of production and, consequently,
transforming the Egyptian capitalist structure (Saed,1981; Abdel-
Fattah,1973). This approach, however, was criticized by other Marxists
(Saleh,1979; Barakat, 1977) who argued chat changing the form of land
tenure alone (from private into state or from foreign into national)
would not be sufficient to transform capitalism in rural Egypt.
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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