Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 59)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 59)
Capitalism, they argued, was entrenched in all aspects of Egypt's
rural structure; it was manifested in the mechanization of
agriculture, in production for the market, in wage labour and so on.
For a transition to cccur all aspects of capitalist production, not
just land tenure forms, would have to be altered. This debate carries
a special conceptual weight for understanding late nineteenth century
changes within the Palestinian socio-economic structure. These changes
affected not only the form but also the substance of Palestine's pre-
capitalist formation. Palestine's pre-capitalist relations of
production in general were undergoing a process of transformation.
Production Relations in Pre-Capitalist Palestine
The Palestinian peasantry was not composed of individual and
isolated enterprises, nor were they a homogeneous, undifferentiated
entity. The futile exercise of finding one or more titles to describe
Palestine's pre-capitalist mode of production can be avoided by an
empirical study of what actually was at work there.(5) By the late
nineteenth century, Palestine's social and economic structure was
already in a state of transition. The economic, political and legal
changes which swept the Ottoman Empire in the mid nineteenth century
were felt in all five categories of land tenure in Palestine. A full
analysis of these categories and the changes they underwent will be
dealt with in the next chapter.
Suffice it to mention here that the two most important forms of
land tenure, the “Amiri land" (land possessed by the cultivators and
formally owned by the state) and the “Mulk land" (land privately owned
by individuals), had undergone substantial changes. The social,
political and economic differences which characterized the
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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