Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 63)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 63)
and Six.
However, it
is not only the similarities between the
and other experiences of capitalism under colonial settler forms
of rule which will be emphasized, but the differences as well.
This research will demonstrate
accepted assumption that settler
solely, or primarily, as economic
Zionism in Palestine assumed varied
authors argue,
it attached more importance
(Ryan,1974; Bshir,
of employment,
than to economic considerations or capitalist
Sheila Ryan observed:
that, contrary to the generally
colonial forms of rule function
mechanisms to enhance capitalisn,
roles. Zionist colonialism, some
is distinguished from the Rhodesian experience in that
to political and ideological
1978). Comparing Zionism with Apartheid's policies
"Zionism is distinguished by its
refusal to use "native" labour in Palestine when it was more
profitable to employ the Arab, not the immigrant, labourers." The
"...xreasons for flouting the profit principle in employment," she
suggested "...were astute and political..." (Ryan,1974: 3-4).
The policy of forfeiting short term economic gains for long term
political considerations,
Zionist exclusivist
Chapter Six.
had far reaching implications
production relations in Palestine (see Chapter Three).
revealed in Chapter five that the
of the
Slogan of “Jewish Labour,"
"Kibbutz" form of Jewish settlement was sacrificed
this study will show was not limited to the
fully discussed in
The policy of "Jewish Land" employed early in the 1920s
the nature and character of
It will also be
basic social and economic premise
for long
term considerations of a political and strategic nature.
Taken at face value,
these forces appear to be contrary to
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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