Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 66)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 66)
a coherent view of the modes of production which were present in a
given social formation'(Turner, 1978:50)}. However, the task of forming
a coherent view of the modes of production applicable t+ the various
social formations and economic structures within the Middle East must
not sacrifice Marx's principal approach of Historical and dialectical
materialism for static and a-historic concepts. So far, I must add
that attempts at constructing the concepts of modes of production
within the context of the Middle East, have largely been problematic.
Calls on the part of some serious Middle Eastern scholars to find
an alternative approach to both, the pre-dominant Orientalist mode of
analysis and the "linear" or "five stages" development approach (Tur-
ner,1978; Zureik,1981; al-Naqib, 1985), we maintain, have largely
sacrified historical materialism for concepts that are largely static
and a-historic.
Turner's tripartite formula of modes of production which establishes
that the Arab World was composed of "pastoral nomadism", "“prebenda-
lism" and "feudalism" as three basic distinguishing modes of produc-
tion forms the corner stone for these calls (Turner, 1978). Adopted by
various authors (Zureik,1981; al-Nagqib, 1985), this formula, it is
maintained, poses more theoretical and historical questions than it
tries to solve. On the one hand, this approach which lumps’ together
all Arab societies as “one society” or "one state" ignores regional
and local specifities characteristic of different states and different
social formations within the ‘Arab world'.
Nonetheless, a major problematic posed by this formula is the
status it ascribes to concepts like "Pastoralism" and "Prebendalism".
One must differentiate between various forms of ‘pastoral' life which
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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