Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 67)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 67)
existed in various social formations and “pastoralism”" as an indepen-
dent mode of production. Scholars differentiate between “unsettled
nomads" surviving primarily through grazing and cattle rearing and are
historically found in some parts of the ‘Arab World' such as the Arab
Peninsula, Mesopotamia and parts of the Sinai Desert and "“quasi-
nomads" who combined agricultural production with cattle grazing and
rearing (Abdel-Fadil,1988: 59). "“Nomadism", one must note must be
understood within the wider context of the socio-economic structure it
forms a part of and not as a separate mode of production.
Moreover, in both the "pastoral" and the "prebendal" ‘modes of
production' Turner has substituted production relations, which in
Marxism means aoclass relationship or a relationship based on the
ownership of the means of production, with e “Yeberian concept of class
relations based on control over surplus extraction. As a result Turner
defined "pastoralism" as a relationship between ‘the superordinate
class of nomadic Sheiks' and the ‘subordinate class of the peasants',
while "prebendalism" was identified in terms of the relationship
between two superordinate classes, namely, *prebendal lords and mer-
chants' vis a' vis one subordinate class of ‘quasi-slaves' (Tur-
ner,1978:51-53). This definition, we maintain, masks, rather than
Clarifies, the issues of class contradictions and of production rela-
Finally, a special attention must be drawn to Turner's concept of
"Prebendalism. Defined as "a system in which land is allocated to
state officials, not as heritable property, but as a right to extract
tribute from the peasantry" (Turner, 1978:50), Prebendalism here is
Mainly dealt with as an expression to changes at the superstructural
level. Turner's concept of “Prebendalism" which is similar to Samir
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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