Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 75)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 75)
state, usufruct rights were given to the body responsible for these
properties (al-Murr,1924:11).
Under Ottoman rule, all Waqf land was exempted from taxes.
Consequently, the state's rights over the Waqf were nominal rather
than real. Returns from Waqf land remained in the hands of the Waqf's
administrators. Egyptian Pashas who held land under Wagf Sahih (i.e.,
whose lands were not used for religious purposes) were also exempted
from taxes (Barakat, 1975).
Waqf land in Palestine occupied a very small area. Hence,
throughout the Ottoman period, this category was not particularly
Significant (2). The importance of control over this land began to
emerge only under the British rule, partly because of the diminishing
quantity of land under the control of indigenous Palestinians and
partly due to the specific political prestige which became associated
with those who controlled Waqf land. Yet the real significance of this
category was realized only under Israeli rule, asa result of the
state's seizure of all indigenous Palestinian lands including parts of
the Waqf, which was considered to be the most sacred (Fourani,1984:22).
Matruka Land
Literally, this term means unclaimed land. Part of it was used by
the state for public purposes (i.e., roads, buildings, etc.), yet the
most common use of this land was made by the direct cultivators
themselves. Usually uncultivated, it was used for grazing, wood
gathering, grain storage and as a water source. No individual could
claim this land. However, every large village or a group of smaller
villages had access to 3uch lands, normally located on the outskirts
of the village's cultivated fields (al-Murr,1924:52).
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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