Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 77)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 77)
Before proceeding to examine the relations of production within the
Amiri category, we must first consider additional facts about’ the
Amiri concept. Almost all literature to date has mistakenly
substituted the term "Miri" for Amiri (Warriner, 1948; Zureik, 1979;
Abdo-Zubi, 1987). Historical data found in the course of research for
this study show that there is an important difference between the _ two
In his rarely read, yet legally and conceptually illuminating
account of land tenure in Palestine, al-Qanooni observed that the term
Miri, found in British documents and widely quoted thereafter, is no
more than a distortion in the translation of the Ottoman land laws by
British interpreters (4). Miri, he observed, is a descriptive term and
not a category. It denotes that land is cultivable or of a _ good
quality (al-Qanooni,1936:6-9). Thus,all Amiri land can be miri
(i.e.,cultivable), but not all miri land is of the Amiri category.
Mulk and Waqf land, for example, can also be miri or cultivable.
During the period of Ottoman rule, the term miri was found in all
"Tabu" or land registration papers as an expression of the
productivity of land. However, during the British Mandate, when the
Ottoman land laws were translated into English, the letter A_ was
dropped from the word, and miri was treated the same as Amiri. This
act, some legal experts on land have observed, resulted in the loss of
many tracts of Mulk land which had the description miril in the title
papers during both British and Israeli rule (al-Qanooni,1936). This
confusion according to one land specialist has enhanced Israel's
claims over land belonging to Palestinian peasants resulting in
further land expropriation, both inside Israel and in the Occupied
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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