Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 81)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 81)
advantaged position. With the expansion of the village, these
differences widened, and spread to effect cousins, uncles, second
cousins and other remote relatives.
Differences in wealth had always characterized the structure of the
Hamula in Palestine. In part, these differences arose from the
a@ifferent specialization in agriculture present in various regions in
the country. Some villages, for example, those located in the hills of
Nablus, Jerusalem and the Galilee, specialized in the production of
oil and its extracts. Other villages, located in the valleys, such as
Marj Ibn-Amer (Esdrealon) [hereafter, the Marj] were Known for their
cereal and vegetable growing. And along the Maritime Plair, most
villages were primarily involved in the production of cash crops’ such
as citrus and grapes.
These regional differences undoubtedly undermined the independence
of each village/Hamula and fostered a relation of interdependence
among them. This relationship also enhanced mobility between the
villages. Socially and economically, the Palestinian village was not
an isolated entity. In this context, Owen observed that the village
communities in Palestine were not "independent communities", but
rather an integral part of the economic and political arrangements of
the society of which they formed a part (Qwen, 1981:41). Moreover, the
internal structure of the village/Hamula itself gave rise to
differentiation among its family members. The hierarchical structure
of the Hamula, which placed the head and his immediate family on top
of this structure, was itself a potent force for social and economic
differentiation. Howsver, the full extent of this potential came to
realization only during British colonization, with massive
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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