Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 85)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 85)
tithes. The claim that the Ottoman state or the Sultan was the
absolute owner of this land did not change the fact that the direct
agricultural producers had full usufruct rights over this. land,
including those, as mentioned earlier, of transfer, inheritance and
Production relations on Mulk and Waqf land were organized
differently. On these lands, a system known as "Muhasasa" or share-
cropping prevailed. Under this system the Malek or owner provides the
land while the villagers provide the labour power, working animals,
production tools and sometimes seeds. At the end of the production
process, the crop is divided into "Husas" i.e., shares. The more the
cultivator contributed to this arrangement, the blqger his "Hussa"™ or
Share was. Cultivators who provided seed in addition to their labour
power and worxing animals are reported to have received a larger share
than those who did not (Firestone, 1975).
The system of Muhasasa in Palestine was aiso known as "Mukhamasa",
that is, dividing up the crop into five equal shares. In most share-
cropping arrangements the land owner would receive 3/5ths of the crop
while the cultivator got 2/5ths. As Firestone observed, in cases where
the cultivator provided the seed, his share would be 3/5ths while
2/5ths went to the land owner. The tithe in this arrangemert was paid
by the receiver of the larger share (Firestone,1975). Baer identified
another form of share-cropping, "Murabaa'a", in which the landowner
provided land, seed, production tools, and animals while the peasant
provided his and his family's labour power. Under this system, 3/4ths
of the crop would be taken by the landlord while the peasant received
1/4th only (Baer, 1975). However, the Murabaa' and the "Mutalata”"
(i.e., dividing the crop into 3 shares with one given to the
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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