Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 86)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 86)
cultivator and two shares taken by the land cwner) which also emerged
during this period, were in fact a product of changing production
relations. These arrangements reflected a new economic reality in
which the peasants were becoming more and more dispossessed.
The system of Muhasasa or share-cropping which corresponded to the
Mulk forms of land tenure began to assume independent characteristics
only toward the middle of the 19th century. Prior to this, Mulk land
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in general was said to exist only to a very small extent in Palestine,
and share-cropping was used as a supplementary source of income by
small Amiri holders (al-Qanoon!, 1936:38).
Socio-Economic Changes in 19th Century Palestine
Already in the early 19th century, differentiation within the Hamula
began to emerge ona large scale. These differences were largely
stimulated by the socio-economic changes within the Empire which in
turn led to the promulgation of new land laws.
Palestine's geographical location in the Middle East has
historically accorded to it a central position in international trade.
The ports of Jaffa and Acre have always served as central trading
points for ships passing through the Mediterranean Sea (Scholch,1982;
Kayyali,1970; Amin,1980). Not all products traded were locally
produced. In addition to large quantities of cotton produced in Egypt,
commodities like silk, sesame, and oranges produced in many parts of
Greater Syria including Palestine, were shipped through these ports.
However, “external trade", to use Amin's words, was not the only trade
movement in Palestine (Amin,1980). By the midad-19th century,
agricultural production in Palestine began to respond in large measure
to international market demands placed on the economy by the expanding
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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