Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 88)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 88)
Table 1: Cotton (in Okes) Exported from Acre and Haifa, 1852-62
Year Okes
1852 446,545
1853 294,545
1854 37,091
185500 eee
18560 00 een
VBS F ee a a
18598 0 en
1859 5,237
1860 69,455
1861 58,9093
1862 55,273
Source: Scholch "European Penetration and the Economic Development of
Palestine, 1856-82" in Owen, (ed), Studies in the Economic and Social
History of Palestine in the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries (Oxford:
1982) p. 61
In the early 1870s, cotton exported from Palestine was estimated at
100,000 Okes. However by 1876, the amount of cotton exported dropped
to about 32,489 Okes only (Scholch, 1982: pp. 14-15).
The decline in market demand for Palestinian cotton did not leave
the land fallow. New demands for sesame, citrus and particularly
oranges were also responded to by the Palestinian peasants. Fields
previously planted with cotton were turned into sesame fields. In
northern Palestine, namely, the Galllee, 12 per cent of all cultivable
land was devoted to sesame production. Sesame seed was exported to
France for the extraction of oil. (Scholch, 19882:61). The quantities
of sesame exported from different regions in Palestine, between the
period 1872-1880, are shown in the following table.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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