Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 90)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 90)
Table 3: The Foreign Trade in Palestine, 1883-1913 (annual averages in
thousands of British Pounds)
Year Jaffa Haifa/Acre Gaza
Exports Exports Exports
Oranges Total Total Total
1883-87 ---- 135 237 “<=
1888-92 84 277 276 ---
1893-97 86 317 108 ---
1898-1902 94 274 200 100
1903-1907 127 394 273 107
1908-1812 217 648 220 82
1913 298 745 --- ---
Source: Compiled from Owen, The Middle East in World Economy, 1800-
1914 (Methuen, London and New York: 1981), Table 68 p. 265.
While Table 3 provides data on exported oranges for Jaffa only, it
was well known that this crop was Haifa's, Acre's and Gaza's major
export item during this period.
Western Imperialism Enhances Changes in Palestine
The presence of Western imperialist interests in the Ottoman Empire
in general and in Palestine in particular also expressed itself
through the various missionaries and consular offices operating
there. In the name of religion (namely Christianity and Judaism),
Russia, Germany, Britain and France began to advance their colontal
interests in Palestine. In 1860, the "Alliance Isrealite Universelle"
was established, and in 1868, Germany sponsored the Templars who
established their first colony in Palestine. In 1898, the "“Anglo-
Jewish Association" was established and in 1901, the “Hilfsverein der
Deutchen Juden" represented German Jewish capitalist interests in
Palestine (Gozansky, 1986: 62).
Most of these companies were directly involved in the production
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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