Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 94)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 94)
that in the "Asiatic" societies there is a unity of land rent and
The Iltizam system in Palestine was mainly concentrated in the
Jerusalem and Nablus districts where, as mentioned earlier, the
Hussaynis and Abdel-Hadis had control over large areas. However, in
the latter part of the 19th century the Iltizam began to assume more
importance. By then, many peasants who were sunk in indebtedness were
forced to accept a new owner who redeemed thelr debts, paid their tax
arrears and took the burden of fiscal responsibllity off their
shoulders (Scholch, 1982:23). The reasons for the emergence of Iltizam
in the late 19th century will be dealt with later in this chapter. For
the time being, consideration must be given to other political and
economic changes which gripped the 19th century Ottoman Empire.
The failure of Iltizam to function as a centralizing force for the
Ottoman state placed additional pressure on its already crumbling
economy. In order to be able to maintain its control ‘er the vast
areas under its rule, to prevent further decentralization of its power
and also to fight the Crimean wars and other internal upheavals, the
Ottoman state began to look for alternative sources of revenue. Thus,
a series of legal measures aimed at generating more fiscal profits
were adopted.
New measures were introduced in the early 1840s, aiming at
increasing revenue from tariffs and other trade duties. Ywo new forms
of taxes were introduced, the Werko, or house and lani tax, and
Musaqgafat, or the tax on roofed buildings. Also increased during this
period was the tax imposed on Khirajia land, that is, Mulk land owned
by non-Moslems (Owen,1981: 61).
Since most of the Ottoman treasury was dependent on the surplus
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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