Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 132)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 132)
On the contrary, as a result of pressure partly from the big
landlords (the sellers) but mainly from the Zionist Organization
(both, the main head office in London and the local branch in
Palestine),the deal was put in effect in 1921. In this year the
government amended the 1920 "Land Transfer Ordinance", deleting from
it all restrictions on land transfer and recognizing the Zionist land
registry books as the authoritative accounts over all land affairs
(Stein,1984: 32).
The legalization of the transfer of land in the Marj in fact meant
the expulsion of thousands of families living on and from the land.
The most striking feature in the transfer deal refers to the clause
on how the land must be transferred. According to this “all property
must be transferred free of cultivators...or any claims to settlement,
renters or Wagf". (20) This pre-condition, as the following discussion
shows, was met by blood and force.
The Marj Cultivators.
Most literature which refers to the case of land transfer in the
Marj is often based on two wrong assumptions; the first claims that
all the Marj land was privately owned by one big land-lord family and
the cultivators were only tenants without property status; and the
other says that since the one of the conditions of the sale contracts
was the transfer only of unoccupied land, cultivators must have
already been expelled by the previous landowners.
Yet, evidence refutes both claims. Firstly, until the late 1880s
when the Sursuks were given control over the land as tax collectors,
the form cf landed property in the Marj was considered as Amiri. The
status of the new owners, the Sursuks, under the then prevailing forms
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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