Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 134)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 134)
is that in almost ali cases of “land transfer" or sale, all
cultivators were still on the land at the time of the transfer. Thus,
in amemorandum by the High Commissioner to Chuckburg, a Colonial
Officer, it was said that in the case of four villages only, tenants
were evicted before the sale. In most cases, the High Commissioner
stressed, the tenants were still on the land at the time of the sale.
(23) This fact was also recognized by some Zionist land dealers
involved in land purchases. In one instance, Bentwish, a Zionist
official and land broker, made reference to three villages where ail
the inhabitants were on the land during the time of the transfer.
In reference to the tenants of Gingar, Tel-al-Fir
and Jaloud who are living on the land at the time
of purchase, the Company [1i.e., L.D.C.] agrees to
keep them on a perpetual lease of 190.d. per
family, such areas to be assigned together on one
side. The yearly rent will be 6% of the cost price
paid by the Company....Should at any time of the
tenant, become undesirable or for any other reason
the Company desires to evict them it cannot do so
without the written consent of the Governor of the
District. (24)
The Palestinian direct producers suffered severe consequences as a
result of the transfer of the Marj land. In the early 1920s, over
1,746 families or about 8,730 people were expropriated. (25) This
number however, did not include the Beduins, who through the winter
months lived in the hilly land and were accustomed to going down to
the Marj after harvest to pasture their flocks. With the expropriation
of the land both peasants and beduins were also expropriated. (26)
Official British government figures on the expropriated peasants
from the Marj put the number lower. The Northern District Commissioner
estimated the number of "farmers who lost their land as a result of
the transfer of the Marj to the Zionist Organization, at 1,270
families". (27) Yet these figures according to the Director of Survey
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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