Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 135)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 135)
were far from representing the actual number of ail those who were
affected by the transfer transaction. Since, according to him, these
figures "included only the farmers who did present their claims to the
government when the survey was made". And those who did claim,
according to the District Commissioner, " no means included all
those who had interests in land... The census figures are usually
taken as being 20% below the truth, owing to the objections to a
census which was connected with military service™. (28)
On the whereabouts of the people who were expropriated the
following was reported:
A large number emigrated to America.....others
are employed at the time being as stone cutters and
lime burners in connection with the construction of
new buildings but ...they have no other occupation
to which they turn when these are
completed...others are scattered all over...They
cannot live there because nothing was left to live
on. (29)
The eviction of the cultivators from the Marj lands was by no means
peaceful. At least in two incidents, British police reports confirmed
the shooting and killing of Arabs resisting eviction. (30)
Case Two: Fraud and the Village of Zeita
The process of land appropriation in Palestine was characterized by
the use of illegal means such as blatant fraud and, more importantly,
violence. Writing on this issue, Stein said:
Some of the means’ used by the Zionists in
appropriating the land were bribing local
government officials, local Arabs, consuls,
consular agents, and by registering land in
fictitious names (Stein,1984:32).
The case of land appropriation in the village of Zeita provides an
insight into some of the means used in the expropriation of the
“ Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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