Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 136)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 136)
Zeita covered an area of about 5,358d. and was inhabited by about
$906 peasants. In 1923 Rutman, a Jewish capitalist, filed a claim to
the Land Court of Nablus, the district in which Zeita belonged, saying
that all Zeita land was his property. His claim was refused on the
basis that his papers were false and did not match the real size or
description of the village. (31) Two years later, in 1925 the land
was surveyed by one Samsonoff, a licensed surveyor and another claim
was prepared by Rutman. However, in order to avoid the Nablus Court,
the new map produced claimed that Zeita belonged to Khadera settlement
which was in Haifa district. When the case was presented to Haifa Land
Court headed then by a Judge Strumza, the judge accepted Rutman's
Claim and a court order evicting the 906 villagers was issued. For
five years, until 1930 the cultivators refused to leave the land
saying that they had all the necessary documents to prove that the
land was theirs. The insistent fight of the peasantS against Rutman's
claim forced the High Commissioner Chancellor to investigate the
When the case was investigated in 1930, the "Committee of
Investigation" found that the real owners were the peasants themselves
and that Rutman's papers which included a map for the land and an
estimate of the area were all fake. What is more important is that
Judge Strumza himself was found to be the main figure responsible for
faking the papers, accepting a bribe by Rutman and lying to the court,
which he headed. By an order from Lord Passfield, Judge Strumza was
stripped of his position. In the process of faking the evidence, it
should be added, three major collaborators were involved: a Zionist
merchant, Rutman, an Arab land dealer, Samara, and the head of the
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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