Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 137)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 137)
land court. (32)
Despite the repeated pleas by the H.C. Chancelior between 1930 and
1931 urging the Government "to do all they can to assist those
villagers, who have lost their land owing to a bare face fraud" (33)
nothing was done for the cultivators. In 1933 the land was
expropriated and joined to the Khadera settlement and the peasants
were expelled by force.
Case Three: Wadi al~Hawareth
The most striking example of the use of force {in the expropriation
of the agricultural producers was at the Wadi al-Hawareth village.
This village had an area of about 30,000d. and a population of about
200 families or 1,382 peasants.
dn 1923 two Jewish capitalists associated with the Zionist
Organization and closely linked to the Jewish National Fund, advanced
a claim to the land of Wadi al-Hawareth in the land court in Haifa, a
court which was headed by the same Judge, Strumza. Consequently, the
court ordered that the claimants proceed to settle the land and that
the peasants be evicted. In 1925 the first part of the eviction took
place. The forceful appropriation of the land was described as
A group of Zionist settlers accompanied by police
troops raided the village , forced about half of
the peasants out of the village, destroyed their
tents and stole their personal belongings. (34)
During the takeover, one Police report said:
Attacks were made upon the Police by groups of
womenfolk armed with sticks and stones, who
resented, in particular, the removal, by the agents
of the Jewish National Fund [(J.N.F]l, of the.. tents
and personal belongings found on the land...The
women.....were throwing themselves in front of the
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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