Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 138)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 138)
tractors to prevent the Zionists from ploughing the
In this incident one old man was reported killed and others
injured. (35)
After this incident about half of the peasants were forced out of
the village and the other half managed to resist and stay o
n the land
for five mcre years. From 1925-30 attempts were made by the government
to convince the J.N.F. to lease the land to the peasants
with the
condition that the lessors, after a certain period of time, become
the rightful owners of the land. The Jewish National Fund r
The J.N.F's refusal prompted the High Commissioner, Chancellor,
to ask Lord Passfield to issue an order of expulsion to the
Thus, ina letter to Lord Passfield, the High commissioner’ wrote:
Directors of J.N.F. have been asked to agree to
lease land to Government but it is unlikely that
they will consent except on conditions which
government would be unable to fulfill. After very
careful consideration I am satisfied that in the
event of it being impossible to arrange voluntary
lease expropriation lease will be necessary. I ask
you for enactment immediately of ad hoc legislation
empowering me to expropriate lease of this land for
a period of five years on payment of fair
compensation. (36)
During consultation with the government the J.N.F. sent
try to strike a separate deal with the peasants. On this,
The Jews are leaving no stone unturned to
entice the Arabs of Wadi al-Hawareth to accept
their offer. Hankin offered to these Arabs a tract
of land in the village of Jeida, Nazareth sub-
district. He then offered them a tract of land in
Transjordania, which the Arabs completely refused.
In order to allure them, he then offered to lease
to them a tract of 5,000d. at avery low rent and
also to lend them P.L. 2,000 for a period of three
years without any interest if only they would affix
thelr signature or seals on the contract of lease.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
agents to
one report
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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