Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 139)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 139)
The Arabs, however, have refused all these
deceptive offers. (37)
For six years after their eviction in 1925, the 130 families were
forced to live in very bad conditions. Quoting one Sheikh in Wadi al-
Hawareth, an editorial in one newspaper said:
Since they have been afflicted by the eviction of
their lands, eleven children had died and many
others contracted dysentry and other diseases.(38)
An eye witness to the bloody eviction of the cultivators was Lord
Caradon, who in 1930 was appointed as an Assistant Director to the
Northern District. According to him "..0£ all the incidents in
Palestine, the Wadi al-Hawareth one, when I think of it, reminds me of
the injustice made to the Arabs when they were forced out of their
land". "I still remember", Lord Caradon added, "how women were lying
down on the threshing floox trying to prevent the settlers from
cultivating their lands and how they were violently pulled up by the
police and thrown out of the land." (39)
The case of Wadi al-Hawareth dragged in the courts until 1943
when finally a court order of eviction to all the remaining peasants
was issued.
The Marj, Zeita and Wadi al-Hawareth were not isolated cases. They
represented a general pattern of conduct used by, and on behalf of,
the Zionist Organization of Palestine throughout the colonial period.
However, unlike wnat some authors believe, the capitalist settler
class or its representatives were not the main determining force in
changing the socio-economic lives of the Palestinians. Indeed, their
role was conditioned by legal and other forms of immunity provided by
the colonial state. It was the colonial state which played the most
decisive role in preparing the ground for the development of
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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