Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 140)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 140)
capitalism in general and the expropriation of the cultivators in
particular. Of particular importance here is taxation which took a
tremendous toll on the direct producers.
Taxing the Rural Population:
Within the Marxist literature, the role of taxation in
expropriating the direct producers and preparing the grounds”) for
capitalist development 1s widely emphasized (Marx,1978;
Luxemburg,1951; Bradby,1980).
As with other formal colonies, Palestine was expected to pay its
own way financially as well as to support the cost of the local
garrison. The budget of the civil administration was totally based on
the revenue collected from the local population. Moreover, over half
of the administration's expenditures, Stein writes, "continuously went
toward supporting the gendarmerie and strengthening Britain's
strategic presence in Palestine" (Stein, 1984:31).
These revenues came primarily from direct and indirect taxation.
Between 1920-33 direct and indirect taxes accounted for more than 50
per cent of the government's revenue. While 15 per cent came from the
tithes only, 35 per cent came from custom duty on imported articles
for consumption (Gozansky, 1986:94). The burden of indirect taxation
fell mainly on the shoulders of the direct producers, since items
like sugar, salt, matches and tobacco, which they consumed were
heavily taxed. (40) Yet, it was the direct taxation, its magnitude
and the means of collection which was of utmost significance in terms
of its toll on the rural inhabitants.
In 1920 the government in Palestine adopted all Ottoman laws
concerning taxation. The three major forms of taxes levied under the
Ottomans. tithes, werko and animal tax continued to be levied from the
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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