Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 147)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 147)
The Mukhtars were remunerated with a commission of 2-5 percent of
the taxes collected. So far as the actual collection went, the Mukhtar
was sent to the village, accompanied with a British Supervisor,
usually a police officer, empowered to seize the crop in cases of
A report by the "Rural Taxation Machinery Committee" described the
act of collecting commuted tithe as follows:
The Mukhtar goes to the villiage..accompanied with a
seizure officer and a police..The Mukhtar calls on
the defaulter to pay the amount due. I£ payment is
not made, the seizure officer seizes the movable
property of the defaulter..If£ the amount due is not
paid within 2-3 days, the articles will be sold by
public auction. T£ no articles movable are
there..seizures will be laid on immovable property.
In order to be able to collect taxes from a heavily indebted
population, and in order for the new methods of tax collection to
work, force and violence became the only viable approach. Some of the
means used in collecting taxes were:
One: Imprisonment
Imprisonment as a form of forcing the agricultural producers to pay
taxes was a frequent occurance during British rule. In one case the
following was reported: "..Tulkarem District Officer had summoned
three peasants of the ‘Tayeht family and sentenced each of them to 10
days imprisonment..." (61)
In 1929 and for a period of two months only, Simpson estimated the
warrants and imprisonments obtained from the Supreme court at 2,677
warrants issued for debt and 599 persons imprisoned. On the same,
Simpson wrote:
A report on this point was’ received from the
Director of agriculture in respect of the Haifa
district for the past year (1929). From this it
| Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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