Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 148)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 148)
appears that in the Magistrates Court of Haifa
alone and for the sub-District of Haifa, with a
population estimated at 67,800, there were heard
8,701 proceedings for debt, issued 4,872 orders for
execution and filed 2,756 applications for
imprisonment for debt. (62)
Two: Collective Punishment
Collective punishment, which meant punishing the whole village if
one villager defaulted was also widespread. Ina Petition from the
"First Arab Rural Congress" to the District Commissioner, the
following was reported about the case of the Zeeb village:
On the morning of the 23d of May, 1930, a
detachment of British troops raided this village,
entered houses, disturbed the people and beat many
of the inhabitants which resulted in the wounding
of three villagers. These measures were taken, we
were told, in execution of an order issued by the
assistant District Commissioner, Northern District,
under the Collective Punishment Ordinance, although
execution should have been made through the proper
established Execution Officer. (63)
Three: Seizure of Crops
The phenomenon referred to as ‘attaching crops to taxes' was
prevalent throughout rural Palestine during this period. This entailed
assigning a police man to guard a cultivator's crops in order to
prevent him from selling his produce until his taxes or debts were
paid. To add insult to injury, the cultivator was also required to
pay and feed the policeman while the latter was on duty. (64)
The seriousness of the phenomenon of "crop attachment" made the
District Officer of Jaffa in 1930 file the following explanation:
The information given... at Lydda, that sometimes
a man's whole crop is attached for taxes is
correct. The further statement, however, that he is
prevented from selling a part of it in order to
redeem the rest needs qualification.. The crop of
the villager is the only thing that a revenue
officer can find if he wants to attach for taxes.
This crop can be got hold of only before
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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