Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 150)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 150)
were confiscated. Thus,in 1932, 2,800 notices of seizures were imposed
in the Northern District: 336 notices in the Southern District and
4,288 notices in the Jerusalem District. (67)
Seizures and confiscation were not confined to crops or to movable
property only. In more than one case, land, which was the only means
of survival for the cultivators, was in danger as well. Land seized
from its cultivators was usually auctioned by the government and sold
to the highest bidder. As a result, much of the auctioned land passed
into the hands of the European Jewish investors or organizations. The
tract of land in the Olive Mountain in Jerusalem on which the Hebrew
University was established and the Baqata land in Jerusalem district,
sold to the Shell Company, were both obtained in this type of
transaction. (68)
In another case, that of Ceasaria village, " {dlue to tax default..
the state forced the land owner to auction his land. The land was
consequently bought by the Jewish National Fund,[(J.N.FJ". Again: "In
one case a judgement was delivered in 1938 against an Arab of Gaza in
favour of another Arab in the sum of P.L. 150. In 1941, upon
application to the Execution Officer, an area of 624 dunams belonging
to the judgement debtor was put to auction in satisfaction of this
debt. The land was bought at this auction by the J.N.F. for P.L. 2,300
Excessive taxation continued to be imposed on the rural population
throughout the 1930s and 1940s, despite the fact that commuted tithe
was replaced in 1935 with a new form of taxation, the "Rural Property
Tax". The new tax did not differ significantly from its predecessor.
It continued to be based on assessments made during the period of
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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