Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 154)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 154)
GCs eu ee
rural population.
Rural Palestine: Socio-Eeconomic Changes
A drastic deterioration :n the social and economic conditions of
the Palestinian peasants was evident as early as 1929. One such change
was increasing pressure on the agricultural land. This phenomenon was
largely caused by the colonial taxation and land expropriation
policies but demographic changes within the rural population also
contributed to it. The relatively high birth rates characteristic of
the Palestinian population combined with the absence of conscription
during British rule placed additional constraints on the agricultural
land. In the process, inheritance resulted in land parcellization and
the shrinking of the size of land owned by individual peasants. (76)
Yet, the most important phenomenon which occured in late 1920s and
early 1930s was what some British officials referred to as “epidemic
indebtedness" and widespread poverty among the rural population. The
severity of this phenomenon attracted the attention of various
officials including the "Agricultural Expert" of the Jewish Agency. To
demonstrate this, three tables will be provided: the first, by Dr.
Wilkansky, an “Agricultural Expert" from the Jewish Agency; the second
by the Director of Survey, J.H.Simpson and the third will be compiled
from three sources of information.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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