Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 155)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 155)
In his “The Fallah's (peasant) Farm", Dr. Wilkansky provided a
detailed description of the income and expenditures of what he
referred to as "an ordinary fallah". The following table summarizes
his data:
Table One: Dr. Wilkansky's Estimate
Expenditures And Income Of An Ordinary Fallah (Area 80-100 d.).
Number of Souls 6-9):
1) Expenses Of production... .... ccc ee een n eee reuenes P.L.
a) Food for 2 oxen, 2 kantars sesame cake or beans....7.00
pT <1 6.50
Communal CHArgesS.... cee ewe eee eee eee eee tee ee ete cces 1.60
Various repairs, GtC.,.. cece ccc ew ee ee et we eee wees 0.30
b) Taxes, (tithe and land tax)....... ce eee ee ee ee ee eee 4.50
Total Expenses on Production 19.90
c) Household Expenditure:
4 kantars of wheat at P.L. 4 16.00
3 kantars dura at P.L. 2.50 7.50
600 litres milk at P.L. 1.5 $.00
400 eggs 2.00
Olive Oil, 7 jars 5.00
Clothing 4.00
Vegetables, rice, lamp oil, Sugar, etc., 6.00
Total Expenditure on Agriculture 49.50
Total expenditures... .. cc ee ee ee ee ee teens 69.40
30d. wheat at 50 kg. 20.00
10d. barley at 60 6.00
10d. kirsanneh 6.00
39d. dura 3.00
800 litres milk 12.00
1,000 eggs 5.00
Outside labour 12.00
Total Income 70.50
Source: "The Fallah's Farm" by Dr. Wilkansky, in J.H.Simpson, Report
on Immigration, Land Settlement and Development 1930, (appendix 18,
p.177), Cmd. 3686.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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