Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 160)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 160)
regarding both the gross income (total 1) and expenditure on
production (total 3) and the returns provided by the villagers is
largely due to differences itn market prices. The Commission of Enquiry
used redemption prices for the years 1924 and 1927, while the
villagers calculated their expenses and income according to 1929
market prices. It must be remembered here that Johnson-Crosble's
"Enquiry.." was conducted for purposes of tax assessment. Simpson,
on the other hand, readjusted the figures provided by Johnson-Crosbie
according to market prices of 1930.
According to Table Three, the net income of 23,573 "agriculturist"
families is in deficit by all standards: The net income provided by
the villagers (total income [1+2] minus total expenditures [3]) {s
in deficit to the amount of P.L.524.119; P.L. 157,000 according to
Johnson-Crosbie and P.L.374,584 according to Simpson's estimate.
Moreover, the average net income per family, (arrived at by
dividing grand net income by the number of families surveyed) is in
deficit to the amount of P.L.22.23 according to the villagers'
estimate; P.L.6.66 according to Johnson-Crosbie's; and P.L.15.89
according to Simpson's estimate. In other words, the net income per
family, by all accounts, was much less than the expenditures the
family incurred on its farm.
Data on income and expenditures presented so far suggests strongly
that the Palestinian direct producers during this period were
extremely poor, generating a meager income which was largely
insufficient for their and their family's survival.
While indebtedness was in large part due to expropriation and
taxation, che accumulation of indebtedness also caused more
expropriation. Indebtedness continued to be characteristic of rural
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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