Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 166)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 166)
ist Cae ie ere ee ia ee a Ce Tee eee se Or ia ere
19- The Huleh concession was offered to the Sursuks, by the Ottoman
Governmen, in lieu of tax arrears they were expected to collect from
the peasants in the Huleh. Until 1918, the Sursuks were considered the
legal owners of this plain. They have paid all thelr tax arrears to
the Ottomans.
In 1918, when the British military took rule over Palestine, the
Sursuks were informed that they could not keep this property. The
pretext provided by the Government was that it could not confirm the
Sursuks's legal rights over the land. The concession of the Huleh
plain, it should be mentioned, was given to one Zionist capitalist in
1921. For more on the Huleh concession, see a "letter by H. Luke,
Chief Secretary to the Secretary of States for the Colonies", in Cc.o
' ’ ;

733/203/11, xile no. 87144.
Z20- "A letter from Dr. Rupin to Julius Simon", dated, 21/7/1921, in
"Tiodot...", op.cit.
21- "Tiodot....", op.cit., file no. 2723, document 8/5
eT EE ROD oy PIR seer Cee ye
22- See, CO 733/185/12, file no. 700/30.
23- Ibid.,
24- “A letter from Bentwish to Julius Simon", 21/7/1921,"Tiodot...",
25~ A "Report by Mr. Farah, the General Secretary of Arab Workers
Association, to the Shaw Commission", in CO 1733/177/4 , file no.
26- Ibid.,
27- "Simpson's Report", op.cit., p.51
28- Ibid.,
; 29- See " A Report by Mz. Farah..", op.cit.,
hibited without permission.
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ee ho gs 7 ; ther reproduction Pp
eeprodt d with permission of the copyright owner. Fu
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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