Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 167)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 167)
30- One report said: “On 19/20 August due to dispute
over the
ownership of a certain piece of land, a quarre!] ensued between Arabs
of Jeida, (Northern District) and employers of "“ifeshek"
a Jewish
company, who proceeded to plough the land at night despite a police
order of the prvivious afternoon to desist pending reference
District Officer, and as a result one of the Arabs was shot
in “Periodical Appreciations Summary", 13/35 24, August,
371/1857/ C.I.D. . See also, FO 371/18957 ©§E 1311.
31- See CO 733/139/10, file no. 77156/30. See also Con
Enclosure to Despatch C.F/166, in CO 733/204/6.
32- In one court paper, entitled "Judgement In Case No. 9
following was said about the faked documents: "..the plan a
have been produced in the case opposed is tampered with and t
“Zeita of Tulkarem' have been rubbed out and ‘Khor al Wasa
Drinted above it." CO 733/ 204/ 6, “Enclosure to Despatch
confidential. See also 70 733/139/10 , £ile no. 77156/30.
33- A letter by the High Commissioner Chancellor to Lord P
to the
1935 FO
2/30" the
lleged to
he words
C.F/ 166/
Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated 17/ 12/ 1931 in
CO 733/200/ , file no.80747.
34- al-Jamia'a al-Arabia, 17, Dec. 1931, in CoO 733/200/3
35- Ibid.,
36- See, a letter by the High Commissioner, Chancellor
to the
Principal Secretary of States for the Colonies, dated, 10/3/1931, in
CO 733/189/10.
37- "al-Jamia' al-Arabia", 17, Dec. 1931, in CO 733/200/3
38- In 1931 when the remaining peasants went back to the 1
found no shelter, no personal belonging and nothing to live
and they
from. All
their attempts at cultivating the land or grazing it were obstructed
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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