Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 169)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 169)
54~ An official communique issued by the Government of Syria, in CO
733/192, File no. 72362 (p.36}.
55- Ibid.,
56- "“Falastin", 24, August, 1930, in CO 733/192, File no. 77304.
S7~ Computed from Report of the Rural Taxation Machinery Committee,
dated, 23/2/1934, in CO 733/267/1.
58- For more on the "Beilsan Agreement" see "Simpson's Report", opp.
58-60. See also K. Stein, The Land Question of Palestine (London,
34) pp. 59-64.
59- On the divisive role of the British in appointing villagers to
ccllect taxes from other villagers, see (Nakhleh, 1979; #£=Abdo-
60- “Report of the Rural Taxation Machinery..", op.cit.
61- "Falastin", 24/8/1930, in CO 733/192, File no. 77304.
62- “Simpson's Report, p. 71
63- A Petition from the First Arab Rural Congress, held at al-Makr,
Acre sub-district, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, in FO
372/20028, File, no. 72275. BE. 67735.
64- A letter from Secretary Ormsby Gore to Under Secretary of State
for Colonial Affairs, dated, 21, Oct. 1936., in FO 371/70028, File no.
72275 E. 67735.
65- "Simpson's Report",p. 71
66~- Ibid., p. 72
67- Calculated from the “Rural Taxation Machinery Committee",
23/2/1934, in CO 733/267/1.
68- The Royal Commission Report of 1936, p. 351.
69- Survey of Palestine, 1945-46, Vol. 1, p. 246.
7O- “Rural Taxation Machinery Committee", in CO 733/207/1.
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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