Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 173)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 173)
Chapter IV
Rural Class Formation in Palestine
The effects of British colonial policies on the indigenous
Palestinian peasants, or fallaheen, had far reaching implications. The
expropriation of a considerable nuriber of fallaheen and the imposition
of the new British taxation policies placed additional economic
pressures on the already suffering fallaheen. These policies, however,
did not only affect the economic status of the peasants. More
importantly, as the following chapter will show, British colonialism
had altered the whole class composition of the indigenous Palestinian
rural society.
The fallaheen, under colonialism, became differentiated not only
in terms of economic status but also on the basis of their membership
in a separate social class. A classical Marxist approach to the
phenomenon of class differentiation will help explain the gqeneral
tendency which emerged, however the identification of the specific
mechanisms at work in Palestine requires a more detailed treatment.
While contradictions in rural Palestine did develop between the
emerging classes of the landless proletariat and the indigenous
landlords, the main conflict, as this chapter will demonstrate, lay
somewhere else.
During the British period, land expropriated from the fallaheen was
not accumulated by or concentrated in the hands of the class of
indigenous landlords. Rather, it was transferred to a foreign body.
7 The ownership and use of this land became the inalienable property of
the European Jewish settler classes. The main contradictions which
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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