Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 174)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 174)
normally arise as a result of land expropriation were, asa result of
European Jewish settlement, diverted from within the rural economic
structure. Instead, they emerged between the indigenous Palestinian
proletariat and the foreign class or agencies of of landowners.
Moreover, under the pressure of the economic development of
agriculture, and the policies of the Zionist authorities, the growth
of the existing and potential indigenous rural bourgeoisie was
severely checked. Market competition brought in by the development of
certain large-scale industries whose commodities were already being
produced on a small-scale within the rural economy forced large
sections of this rural industry out of business.
Furthermore, the national exclusivist ideology practiced by the
Zionist authorities in Palestine had also left its imprint on the
class structure of the Palestinians. Of particular significance in
this context was the Zionist boycott of indigenous products, which
will be discussed later in this chapter with particular reference to
sesame and wheat.
The economic, political and ideological forces involved in the
process which suppressed the indigenous rural bourgeois class
Simultaneously gave birth to a dominant European Jewish bourgeois
class. By dictating the direction and route of the economic
development, the colonial and Zionist forces managed to divert the
focus of class contradictions from within the indigenous rural economy
into outside that economy.
Classes in Rural Palestine
The intensification of the economic differentiation within the
Palestinian peasantry, partly due to the expropriation of land and
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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