Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 177)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 177)
Within the context of middle Eastern peasantry ‘fallaheen' however,
the work of some Egyptian social scientists is of particular interest
(Saleh,1979; Barakat, 1977). Similar to Lenin's approach in the
Development of Capitalism in Russia, Saleh and Barakat differentiate
the fallaheen in terms of the following categories:
Firstly, the fallah's production is characterized by its small-
scale mature and by the use of primitive means of production.
Secondly, the fallah cultivates his land predominantly with his own
and his family's labour. Neither capital nor wage labour are, in
principle, involved. Finally, the fallah's farm is characterised by
its relatively small size. Keeping in mind the presence of the first
and second conditions, the fallahts lot is considered as the minimum
land size sufficient for the reproduction of the fallah and his
family. Within the Egyptian context, the f:i.lllah's lot is officially
standardised at 5 faddans (or 5 acres) (Saleh,1979: pp. 58-60;
It is not coincidental that the Palestine government, unlike other
governments (1.e., Egypt, Syria ,Lebanon, etc.) was never able to come
up with one official standard for a fallah farm. The absence of such
a measure, it will be argued was not due to inefficiency on the part
of the British legal or administrative systems but, rather, because of
the political and ideological implications which such information
What Constituted a Palestinian Fallah Farz ?
No literature, to date, has arrived at a satisfactory figure for
the total agricultural land in 19th century Palestine. Figures
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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