Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 178)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 178)
presented by authors in this respect vary widely. Depending on the
source of information on which the data are based,£figures on the total
cultivable land of Palestine have ranged between 6,544,000d. and
12,233,000d. (Himadeh, 1937; Gozansky, 1986; Saed,1985; Grannot,1937)
The contradiction here is partly due to the lack of original data but
is mostly because of the fact that the issue of Palestine's cultivable
area during British colonialism was, and still is, a highly
controversial issue. Because of the significance of this issue, both
in terms of its role in determining the status of the fallaheen as
well as its relevance to foreign settlement, special attention must
be paid to this question.
The size of a fallah farm will be examined on two levels: One is
the size of the actual average holding of the fallah during this
period, and second, in accordance with the definition of the fallah
adopted earlier, the size it should theoretically have been.
Agricultural experts from the Zionist Organization of Palestine
have put the average size of “an ordinary fallah" at 90 dunams. (2)
The 1930 “Enquiry into the Economic Conditions of the Agriculturists"
estimated the average size of a fallah farm at 100 dunams. Yet, after
the publication of the report of the Survey of Palestine in 1930 new
evidence was presented suggesting that the actual average of a fallah
farm was about 74 dunams. (3)
The presence of more than one opinion regarding the size of the
fallan's farm is the result of the wider controversy which surrounded
the total size of agricultural land during that period.
The Controversy Surrouncéing the Size of Agricultural Land
It is generally accepted that the total land of Palestine is
approximately 10,000 s.q miles or about 25,000,000 metric dunams. The
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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