Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 181)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 181)
will focus on the techniques of data collection used by both sources.
It will also look at the criticism which has been launched against
each party.
The major criticism of the data collection techniques used by the
Commissioner of Land is that the report was published prior to any
land survey in Palestine. According to one critic, the data provided
by the Commissioner of Land was no more than guesswork based on
information provided as early as 1921 by Zionist and British sources
in Palestine. This view is further supported by other writers who
argue that the Commissioner of Land's information was obtained from
Zionist land purchasing companies in the Department of Agriculture and
Settlement of the Zionist Organization of Palestine (later the Jewish
Agency) (Himadeh, 1937:44).
The strongest criticism of the Commissioner of Land's estimate has
in fact come from the Director of Survey who observed that almost the
same estimate had previously been quoted by Dr. Rupin, the Head of
the Colonization Department of the Zionist Organization. The latter's
information in tu:.., has been based on data provided in 1921 by Lord
Stanhope in the latter's speech in the House of Commons. (.-
However, despite its unscientific nature, the Ccmmissioner's
estimate continued to be used by both Zionist and British officials.
Writing on this, Simpson says:
It is unfortunate that these figures have been
widely quoted and frequently accepted as ccurate,
They are in fact far from accurate, as there were
no statistics available at that time for which
anything in the nature of an exact estimate could
have been quoted. (5)
Moreover, the Commissioner of Land was also criticised in terms of
the conceptuai framework he employed, especially with regard to his
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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