Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 185)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 185)
PAE sergoscrerin eins wht Ba ERr atta a
2- Faliaheen Shibh- Muu‘'dameen
This is the class of semi-proletariat, semi-peasant to which Lenin
refers as the allotment-holding wage workers (Lenin,1977:177). Asa
part of the rural proletariat the fallah here vossessed a parcel of
land (rented or ovmed ) insufficient for his and his family's
maintenance. As a result he was forced to sell his labour power to
supplement his income. Among the Palestinian rural population this
Class was quite significant.
Within the Palestinian context the following groups were part of
this class: The possessors of means of production other than land
1.e., cattle, such as the case of the 130 fallah families of Wadi al-
Hawareth who, when their land was expropriated, were left with 2000
heads of cattle without grazing land.(12)}) Also among this group were
the share-croppers -who might or might not own means of production
(land, tools, working animais)- who entered into a monthly or yearly
contract with a big landlord. This group was quite widespread in the
hilly areas of Tulkarem and Jenin (Firestone, 1975).
3- Fallaheen Muu'dameen:
These were the landless proletariat who continued to live in. the
villages but without land of thelr own (neither owned nor. rented).
These included the permanent agricultural wage labourers who lived in
the village and sold their labour pover to the capitalist land owner,
such as the 6,500 agricultural wage labourers who had worked in the
Rothschild's plantations. (13) This category also included the daily
or seasonal agricultural wage workers. ~The term Harrath, or
ploughman, which is very often used in the Palestinian literature
refers to this group- (Stein,1984:68; Gozansky,1986:202).
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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