Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 186)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 186)
The Shibh-Muu'dameen and the Muu'dameen, together with a section
of the fallaneen Mullak constitute what Marxists term, the rural
proletariat. This rural proletariat often engaged themselves in work
other than agricultural labour. Marxists have placed a particular
emphasis on this phenomenon because of its significance to both the
urban and rural bourgeoisie. Thus, while Lenin stresses the economic
benefits the rural bourgecisie draws from employing the proletariat
peasant, Wolpe emphasizes the advantages gained by the capitalist
industrialist from this semi proletariat class (Lenin,1977:178;
Wolpe, 1980:296-98).
Researchers interested in examining the question of class
differentiation among the fallaheen can hardly depend on any of the
official censuses of rural areas, since all surveys during this period
were made with one aim in mind, to perfect the British taxation system
(Stein, 1984; Gozansky, 1986}. The only report which allows for the
creation of a meaningful class analysis is that of Johnson-Crosbie,
mentioned earlier in the chapter. For, unlike other reports, this one
related the question of land holding to the general question of
sources of income and survival.
The 1930 "Enquiry into the Economic Conditions of the
Agriculturists", conducted by Johnson and Crosbie is guite
comprehensive. It covers 104 villages or about one quarter of the
total villages in Palestine with an area of about 1,177,000d. and
includes 23,573 families or one third of the total fallaheen families.
The findings of the Enquiry strongly suggest that all estimates of
land size provided then, including its own (at 100d.) were too small
for any fallah family to survive on without outside wage employment.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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